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IDS13-J. Use compatible character encodings on both sides of file or network IO (SEI CERT Oracle Coding Standard for Java)
IDS09-J. Specify an appropriate locale when comparing locale-dependent data (SEI CERT Oracle Coding Standard for Java)
IDS10-J. Don't form strings containing partial characters (SEI CERT Oracle Coding Standard for Java)
IDS05-J. Use a safe subset of ASCII for file and path names (SEI CERT Oracle Coding Standard for Java)
IDS02-J. Canonicalize path names before validating them (SEI CERT Oracle Coding Standard for Java)
IDS15-J. Do not allow sensitive information to leak outside a trust boundary (SEI CERT Oracle Coding Standard for Java)
IDS14-J. Do not trust the contents of hidden form fields (SEI CERT Oracle Coding Standard for Java)
IDS35-PL. Do not invoke the eval form with a string argument (SEI CERT Perl Coding Standard)