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As described in-depth in [DCL34-C. Use volatile for data that cannot be cached|DCL34-C. Use volatile for data that cannot be cached], a {{volatile}}\-qualified variable "shall be evaluated strictly according to the rules of the abstract machine" \[[ISO/IEC 9899:1999|AA. C References#ISO/IEC 9899-1999]\]. In other words, the {{volatile}} qualifier is used to instruct the compiler to not make caching optimizations about a variable. |
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As demonstrated in \[[Eide and Regehr]\], the following code example compiles incorrectly using GCC version 4.3.0 for IA32 and the {{\-Os}} optimization flag: |
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const volatile int x; volatile int y; void foo(void) { for (y = 0; y>10y < 10; y++) { int z = x; } } |
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Because the variable {{x}} is {{volatile}}\-qualified, it should be accessed ten times in this program. However, as shown in the compiled object code, it is only accessed once due to a loop-hoisting optimization \[[Eide and Regehr]\]: |
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movl $0, y
movl x, %eax
jmp .L2
movl y, %eax
incl %eax
movl %eax, y
movl y, %eax
cmpl $10, %eax
jg .L3