Carol J. Lallier
Saved on Nov 18, 2013 David Svoboda
Saved on Nov 27, 2013
API04-C. Provide a consistent and usable error-checking mechanismERR00-C. Adopt and implement a consistent and comprehensive error-handling policyERR02-C. Avoid in-band error indicatorsERR05-C. Application-independent code should provide error detection without dictating error handlingEXP12-C. Do not ignore values returned by functionsEXP34-C. Do not dereference null pointersFIO10-C. Take care when using the rename() functionFIO13-C. Never push back anything other than one read characterFIO33-C. Detect and handle input output errors resulting in undefined behaviorvoid FIO35FIO34-C. Use feof() and ferror() to detect end-of-file and file errors when sizeof(int) == sizeof(char)Distinguish between characters read from a file and EOF or WEOF FLP03-C. Detect and handle floating-point errorsFLP32-C. Prevent or detect domain and range errors in math functionsMEM04-C. Do not perform zero-length allocationsMEM12-C. Consider using a goto chain when leaving a function on error when using and releasing resources