Mantissa bits are used to express extremely small numbers that are too small to encode normally because of the lack of available exponent bits. Using mantissa bits extends the possible range of exponents. Because these bits no longer function as significant bits of precision, the total precision of extremely small numbers is less than usual. Such numbers are called denormalized, and they are more limited than normalized numbers. However, even using normalized numbers where precision is required can pose a risk. See FLP02-C. Avoid using floating-point numbers when precise computation is needed for more information.
Using denormalized Denormalized numbers can severely impair the precision of floating-point numbers and should not be used.
This code produces the following output on implementations that use IEEE 754 floats:
Rule | Severity | Likelihood | Remediation Cost | Priority | Level |
FLP05-C | lowLow | probableProbable | highHigh | P2 | L3 |
Automated Detection