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Any callers higher up in the call stack are unable to determine that an interrupted exception occurred and act on it \[[Goetz 062006|AA. Java References#Goetz 06]\]. |
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Consequently, code that is higher up on the call stack can see that an interrupt was issued \[[Goetz 062006|AA. Java References#Goetz 06]\]. |
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*EX3:* "The only situation in which it is acceptable to swallow an interrupt is when you are extending Thread and therefore control all the code higher up on the call stack." \[[Goetz 062006|AA. Java References#Goetz 06]\]. In such cases {{InterruptedException}} may be caught and ignored. A interruption request may also be swallowed by code that implements a thread's interruption policy \[[Goetz 062006, pg 143|AA. Java References#Goetz 06]\]. |
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\[[JLS 052005|AA. Java References#JLS 05]\] [Chapter 11, Exceptions|http://java.sun.com/docs/books/jls/third_edition/html/exceptions.html] \[[Bloch 082008|AA. Java References#Bloch 08]\] Item 65: "Don't ignore exceptions", Item 62: "Document all exceptions thrown by each method" \[[Goetz 062006|AA. Java References#Goetz 06]\] 5.4 Blocking and interruptible methods \[[MITRE 092009|AA. Java References#MITRE 09]\] [CWE ID 390|http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/390.html] "Detection of Error Condition Without Action" |