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Defensive Programming
chapter contains guidelines for defensive programming. Defensive programming is carefully guarded programming that helps you construct reliable software by designing each component so it protects itself as much as possible, for example, by checking that undocument assumptions remain valid [Goodliffe 2006].
- Recommended for enhancing security and reliability
- Involve discussions about good design / encapsulation etc. rather than very specific implementation advice
- Have no normative requirements and are ideally language neutral
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Program Understandability
This category includes guidelines that are
Program understandability is the ease with which the program can be understood, that is, the ability to determine what a program does and how it works by reading its source code and accompanying documentation [Grubb 2013]. Another term used to describe this property of source code is readability. Understandable code is easier to maintain, in that software maintainers are less likely to introduce defects of the code is clear and comprehensible. Understandability helps in manual analysis of source code because it allows the auditor to more easily spot defects and vulnerabiltiies.
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