Java Coding Guidelinesfocuses on the Java SE 7 Platform environment and includes guidelines that address the issue of secure coding using the Java SE 7 API. The Java Language Specification: Java SE 7 Edition [JLS 2011] prescribes the behavior of the Java programming language and serves as the primary reference for the development of these guidelines.
Coding style issues are subjective, and it has proven impossible to develop a consensus on appropriate style guidelines. Consequently, The CERT Oracle Java Coding Guidelinesdoes not require any particular coding style to be enforced but only that the user define style guidelines and apply these guidelines consistently. The easiest way to consistently apply a coding style is with the use of a code formatting tool. Many integrated development environments (IDEs) provide such capabilities.
Because of the nature of the guidelines, many of them Many of these guidelines are not subject ammenable to automatic detection or correction. Furthermore, as It some cases, tool vendors may chose to implement checkers to identify violations of these guidelines. As a federally funded research and development center (FFRDC), the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) is not in a position to recommend particular vendors or tools to enforce the restrictions adoptedfor this purpose. The user of this document is free to choose tools, and vendors are encouraged to provide tools to enforce the guidelines.
Controversial Guidelines