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The arguments to the {{compareAndSet()}} method are the expected value of the variable when the method is invoked and the intended new value. The variable's value is updated if, and only if, the current value and the expected value are equal (see \[[API 2006|AA. Bibliography#API 06]\] class [{{AtomicInteger}}|http://download.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/util/concurrent/atomic/AtomicInteger.html]). Refer to guideline [VNA02-J. Ensure that compound operations on shared variables are atomic] for more details. |
INT00NUM00-EX1: Depending on circumstances, integer overflow could be benign. For instance, the Object.hashcode()
method could return all representable values of type int
. Furthermore, many algorithms for computing hashcodes intentionally allow overflow to occur.
INT00NUM00-EX2: The added complexity and cost of programmer-written overflow checks may exceed their value for all but the most critical code. In such cases, consider the alternative of treating integral values as though they are tainted data, using appropriate range checks as the sanitizing code. These range checks should ensure that incoming values cannot cause integer overflow. Note that sound determination of allowable ranges may require deep understanding of the details of the code protected by the range checks; correct determination of the allowable ranges may be extremely difficult.