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\[[OWASP 05|AA. Java References#OWASP 05]\] [Reviewing Code for OS Injection|http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Reviewing_Code_for_OS_Injection] \[[Chess 07|AA. Java References#Chess 07]\] Chapter 5: Handling Input, "Command Injection" \[[MITRE 09|AA. Java References#MITRE 09]\] [CWE ID 78|http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html] "Failure to Preserve OS Command Structure (aka 'OS Command Injection')" |
IDS02IDS14-J. Perform loss less conversion of String to given encoding and back 10. Input Validation and Data Sanitization (IDS) IDS07-J. Prevent against SQL Injection