For the above code sample, the easy solution is to parse the CSV into a class and limit the regular expression over the name field of the User class.
Code Block |
import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.HashMap; /* Usage Test2 <regex>  * Regex is used directly without santization causing sensitive data to be exposed  *  * Imagine this program searches a database of users for usernames that match a regex  * Non malicious usage: Test1 John.*  * Malicious usage: (?s)John.*  */ public class Test2 {    public static class User    {       String name, password;       public User(String name, String password)       {          setName(name);          setPassword(password);       }       private void setName(String n) { name = n; }       private void setPassword(String pw) { password = pw; }       public String getName() { return name; }    }    public static void main(String[] args)    {       if (args.length < 1) {          System.err.println("Failed to specify a regex");          return;       }       String sensitiveData; //represents sensitive data from a file or something       int flags;       String regex;       Pattern p;       Matcher m;       HashMap<String, User> userMap = new HashMap<String, User>();       //imagine a CSV style database: user,password       sensitiveData = "JohnPaul,HearsGodsVoice\nJohnJackson,OlympicBobsleder\nJohnMayer,MakesBadMusic\n";       String[] csvUsers = sensitiveData.split("\n");       for (String csvUser : csvUsers) {          String[] csvUserSplit = csvUser.split(",");          String name = csvUserSplit[0];          String pw = csvUserSplit[1];          User u = new User(name, pw);          userMap.put(name, u);       }       regex = args[0];       flags = 0;       System.out.println("Pattern: \'" + regex + "\'");       p = Pattern.compile(regex, flags);       for (String u : userMap.keySet()) {          m = p.matcher(u);          while (m.find())             System.out.println("Found \'" + m.group() + "\'");       }       System.err.println("DONE");    } } |
Risk Assessment
Rule | Severity | Liklihood | Remediation Cost | Priority | Level |
IDS18-J | medium | unlikely | high |