According to the Java API \[[API 06|AA. Java References#API 06]\], interface {{java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService}}, method {{shutdownNow()}} documentation:
Attempts to stop all actively executing tasks, halts the processing of waiting tasks, and returns a list of the tasks that were awaiting execution. There are no guarantees beyond best-effort attempts to stop processing actively executing tasks. For example, typical implementations will cancel via Thread.interrupt(), so any task that fails to respond to interrupts may never terminate.
Consequently, care must be taken so that only interruptible tasks are submitted to the thread pool. When using worker threads that run untrusted code or dynamically loaded extension code, a way to interrupt the worker must be provided. For instance, a worker thread in a thread pool should generally have the following structure (adopted from \[[Goetz 06|AA. Java References#Goetz 06]\]):
public void run() {
Throwable thrown = null;
try {
while (!isInterrupted())
} catch (Throwable e) {
thrown = e;
} finally {
threadExited(this, thrown); // Notify upper layers
The worker thread based architecture that uses interruptible workers permits the caller to cleanly terminate misbehaving sub-tasks. If the sub-tasks die because of runtime exceptions, then the upper layers can take some suitable action such as replacing the worker thread with a new one.
h2. Noncompliant Code Example (shutting down thread pools)
This noncompliant code example uses the {{SocketReader}} class defined earlier in the Compliant Solution (close socket connection) of the guideline [CON24-J. Ensure that threads and tasks performing blocking operations can be terminated] and submits it as a task to a thread pool defined in class {{PoolService}}.
public final class PoolService {
private final ExecutorService pool;
public PoolService(int poolSize) {
pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(poolSize);
public void doSomething() throws InterruptedException, IOException {
pool.submit(new SocketReader());
// ...
List<Runnable> awaitingTasks = pool.shutdownNow();
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException, IOException {
PoolService service = new PoolService(5);
public final class SocketReader implements Runnable {
private final Socket socket;
// ...
Because the task does not support interruption through the use of {{Thread.interrupted()}}, there is no guarantee that the {{shutdownNow()}} method will shutdown the thread pool. Using the {{shutdown()}} method does not fix the problem either, because it waits until all executing tasks have finished. {mc} I think the general policy is to avoid "will" {mc} Similarly, tasks that check a {{volatile}} flag to determine whether it is safe to shutdown will also be unresponsive to these methods. The guideline [CON13-J. Ensure that threads are stopped cleanly] provides more information on using a flag to terminate threads. {mc} I added a reference instead of explaining {mc}
h2. Compliant Solution (submit interruptible tasks)
Tasks that do not support interruption using {{Thread.interrupt()}} should not be submitted to a thread pool. This compliant solution submits the interruptible version of {{SocketReader}} discussed in the Compliant Solution (interruptible channel) of the guideline [CON24-J. Ensure that threads and tasks performing blocking operations can be terminated], to the thread pool.
public final class PoolService {
// ...
public final class SocketReader implements Runnable {
private final SocketChannel sc;
// ...
{mc} Can we avoid "you" to be more formal and consistent with other guidelines?
Similarly, when attempting to cancel individual tasks within the thread pool using the {{Future.cancel()}} method, you must ensure that the tasks support interruption. If they do, then you must pass a {{boolean}} argument {{true}} to {{cancel()}}, otherwise you must pass {{false}}. The value {{false}} indicates that the corresponding task will be canceled if it has not already started.
Similarly, when attempting to cancel individual tasks within the thread pool using the {{Future.cancel()}} method, ensure that the tasks support interruption. If they do, pass a {{boolean}} argument {{true}} to {{cancel()}}, otherwise pass {{false}}. The value {{false}} indicates that the corresponding task will be canceled if it has not already started.
h2. Exceptions
*EX1*: Tasks that execute quickly and do not block may violate this guideline.
h2. Risk Assessment
Submitting tasks that are not interruptible may preclude the shut down procedure of a thread pool and cause denial of service.
|| Rule || Severity || Likelihood || Remediation Cost || Priority || Level ||
| CON36- J | low | probable | medium | {color:green}{*}P4{*}{color} | {color:green}{*}L3{*}{color} |
h3. Automated Detection
h3. Related Vulnerabilities
Search for vulnerabilities resulting from the violation of this rule on the [CERT website|].
h2. References
\[[API 06|AA. Java References#API 06]\] interface ExecutorService
\[[Goetz 06|AA. Java References#Goetz 06]\] Chapter 7: Cancellation and shutdown
[!The CERT Sun Microsystems Secure Coding Standard for Java^button_arrow_left.png!|CON12CON34-J. AvoidDo deadlocknot byuse requestingan andinstance releasinglock locksto inprotect theshared samestatic orderdata] [!The CERT Sun Microsystems Secure Coding Standard for Java^button_arrow_up.png!|11. Concurrency (CON)] [!The CERT Sun Microsystems Secure Coding Standard for Java^button_arrow_right.png!|VOID CON14CON37-J. Ensure atomicity of 64-bit operations] that tasks executing in a thread pool do not fail silently]