Perl has a large number of builtin functions, they are described on the {{ Wiki Markup perlfunc
}} manpage \[ [Wall 2011|AA. Bibliography#Manpages]\]. Perl also has a handful of reserved keywords such as {{while
}}; they are described on the {{perlsyn
}} manpage \[ [Wall 2011|AA. Bibliography#Manpages]\].
Do not use an identifier for a subroutine that has been reserved for a builtin function or keyword.
Tool | Diagnostic |
Perl::Critic | Subroutines::ProhibitBuiltinHomonyms |
\[[CPAN|AA. Bibliography#CPAN]\] [Elliot Shank, Perl-Critic-1.116|] [Subroutines::ProhibitBuiltinHomonyms|]
\[[Wall 2011|AA. Bibliography#Manpages]\] [perlfunc|], [perlsyn|] Wiki Markup
[Wall 2011] perlfunc, perlsyn
01. Declarations and Initialization DCL32-PL. Every module must return a true value