Tool | Version | Checker | Description | ||||||
Astrée |
| Supporteddead-assignemnt dead-initializer | Partially checked and soundly supported. | ||||||
CodeSonar |
| DIAG.UNEX.* | Code not exercised by analysis | ||||||
| Can detect the specific instance where code can never be reached because of a logical contradiction or a dead "default" in Can detect the instances where code block is unreachable because of the syntactic structure of the code | |||||||
| Can detect violations of this recommendation when the | |||||||
Helix QAC |
| C1501, C1503, C2008, C2877, C2880, C2881, C2882, C2883,C3202, C3203, C3205, C3206, C3207, C3210, C3219, C3229, C3404, C3422, C3423, C3425, C3470 DF2877, DF2880, DF2881, DF2882, DF2883, DF2980, DF2981, DF2982, DF2983, DF2984, DF2985, DF2986 | |||||||
Klocwork |
LDRA tool suite |
| 1 J | Fully implemented | ||||||
Parasoft C/C++test |
| CERT_C-MSC07-a | There shall be no unreachable code in "else" block | ||||||
Polyspace Bug Finder |
| CERT C: Rule MSC07-C | Checks for:
| ||||||
RuleChecker |
| dead-assignemnt | Partially checked | ||||||
SonarQube C/C++ Plugin |
| S1763, S1751 | |||||||
Splint |
| Can detect violations of this recommendation when the |
Related Vulnerabilities
Search for vulnerabilities resulting from the violation of this rule on the CERT website.