Conformance to the CERT C Coding Standard requires that the code not contain any violations of the rules specified in this standard. If an exceptional condition is claimed, the exception must correspond to a predefined exceptional condition, and the application of this exception must be documented in the source code. Conformance with the recommendations on the wiki is not necessary to claim conformance with the CERT C++ Coding Standard. Conformance However, conformance to the recommendations will, in many cases, make it easier to conform to the rules, eliminating many potential sources of defects.
Rules and recommendations in this standard are classified into three levels (see How this Coding Standard is Is Organized). Emphasis should be placed on conformance Level 1 (L1) rules. Software systems that have been validated as complying with all Level 1 rules are considered to be L1 conforming. Software systems can be assessed as L1, L2, or fully conforming, depending on the set of rules to which the system has been validated.
Deviations are not granted for reasons of performance or usability. A software system that successfully passes conformance testing must not contain defects or exploitable vulnerabilities. Deviation requests are evaluated by the lead assessor, and if the developer can provide sufficient evidence that the deviation will not result in a vulnerability, the deviation request is accepted. Deviations are used infrequently because it is almost always easier to fix a coding error than it is to provide an argument that the coding error does not result in a vulnerability.