The ISO/IEC TR 24731-1 functions were created by Microsoft to help retrofit its existing, legacy code base in response to numerous, well-publicized security incidents over the past decade. These functions were then proposed to the ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/ IEC WG14 international standardization working group for the programming language C for standardization.
Wiki Markup |
\[[ISO/IEC TR 24731-1-2007|AA. C References#ISO/IEC TR 24731-1-2007]\]
\[[ISO/IEC 9899-1999|AA. C References#ISO/IEC 9899-1999]\] Section 7.21, "String handling <string.h>"
\[[Seacord 05a|AA. C References#Seacord 05a]\] Chapter 2, "Strings"
\[[Seacord 05b|AA. C References#Seacord 05b]\] |
07. Characters and Strings (STR) 07. Characters and Strings (STR) STR01-A. Use managed strings for development of new string manipulation code