- All simple fractions exactly.
- All decimals precisely, even when the decimals can be represented in a small number of digits.
- All digits of large values, meaning that incrementing a large floating-point value might not change that value within the available precision.
For the purpose of this rule, a loop counter is an induction variable that is used as an operand of a comparison expression that is used as the controlling expression of a do, while or for loop. An induction variable is a variable that gets increased or decreased by a fixed amount on every iteration of a loop [Aho 1986]. Furthermore, the change to the variable must occur directly in the loop body (rather than inside a function executed within the loop.)
This rule is a subset of NUM04-J. Do not use floating-point numbers if precise computation is required.
Noncompliant Code Example
FLP30-C. Do not use floating-point variables as loop counters | |
Floating-point Arithmetic [PLF] |
[Aho 1986] | |
Puzzle 34, "Down for the Count" | |
[JLS 2015] | |
[Seacord 2015] | NUM09-J. Do not use floating-point variables as loop counters LiveLesson |