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Code Block

public class DivideException {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {
      division(200, 5);
      division(200, 0); // Divide by zero
    } catch (ArithmeticException | IOException ex) {;

  public static void division(int totalSum, int totalNumber)
                              throws ArithmeticException, IOException  {
    int average  = totalSum / totalNumber;
    // Additional operations that may throw IOException...
    System.out.println("Average: "+ average);


ERR08-J-EX0: A catch block may catch all exceptions to process them before rethrowing them (filtering sensitive information from exceptions before the call stack leaves a trust boundary, for example). Refer to ERR01-J. Do not allow exceptions to expose sensitive information and weaknesses CWE 7 and CWE 388 for more information. In such cases, a catch block should catch Throwable rather than Exception or RuntimeException.


Exception wrapping is a common technique to safely handle unknown exceptions. For another example, see ERR06-J. Do not throw undeclared checked exceptions.

ERR08-J-EX1: Task processing threads such as worker threads in a thread pool or the Swing event dispatch thread are permitted to catch RuntimeException when they call untrusted code through an abstraction such as the Runnable interface [Goetz 2006, p. 161].

ERR08-J-EX2: Systems that require substantial fault tolerance or graceful degradation are permitted to catch and log general exceptions such as Throwable at appropriate levels of abstraction. For example:
