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Programs must not allow mathematical operations to exceed the integer ranges provided by their primitive integer data types. According to the Java Language Specification (JLS), §4.2.2, "Integer Operations," [JLS 2005]:

The built-in integer operators do not indicate overflow or underflow in any way. Integer operators can throw a NullPointerException if unboxing conversion of a null reference is required. Other than that, the only integer operators that can throw an exception are the integer divide operator / and the integer remainder operator %, which throw an ArithmeticException if the right-hand operand is zero, and the increment and decrement operators ++ and -- which can throw an OutOfMemoryError if boxing conversion is required and there is insufficient memory to perform the conversion.

The integral types in Java, representation, and inclusive ranges are shown in the following table taken from the JLS, §4.2.1, "Integral Types and Values" [JLS 2005]:



Inclusive Range


8-bit signed two's-complement

-128 to 127


16-bit signed two's-complement

-32,768 to 32,767


32-bit signed two's-complement

-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647


64-bit signed two's-complement

-9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807


16-bit unsigned integers representing UTF-16 code units

\u0000 to \uffff (0 to 65,535)


The CERT C Secure Coding Standard

INT32-C. Ensure that operations on signed integers do not result in overflow

The CERT C++ Secure Coding Standard

INT32-CPP. Ensure that operations on signed integers do not result in overflow

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[ISO/IEC TR 24772:2010]

Wrap-around Error [XYY]



CWE-682. Incorrect Calculationcalculation


CWE-190. Integer Overflow overflow or Wraparoundwraparound


CWE-191. Integer Underflow underflow (Wrap wrap or Wraparoundwraparound)


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[[API 2006

AA. Bibliography#API 06]]

Class [AtomicInteger]


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[[Bloch 2005

AA. Bibliography#Bloch 05]]

Puzzle 27, Shifty i's


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[[JLS 2005

AA. Bibliography#JLS 05]]

[§4.2.2, Integer Operations]



§15.22, Bitwise and Logical Operators

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[[Seacord 2005

AA. Bibliography#Seacord 05]]

Chapter 5. Integers


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[[Tutorials 2008

AA. Bibliography#Tutorials 08]]

Primitive Data Types

