When building an application that uses a client-server model, storing sensitive information at client-side may result in its disclosure if an application is vulnerable to attacks that can compromise the information. For example, consider the use of a cookie for storing sensitive information such as user credentials. A cookie is Cookies are set by a web server and is are stored for a certain period of time on the client-side. All subsequent requests to the domain identified by the cookie are made to contain information that was saved in the cookie. If the web application is vulnerable to a cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability, an attacker may be able to read any unencrypted information contained in the cookie.
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protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { // validate input (omitted) String username = request.getParameter("username"); char[] password = request.getParameter("password").toCharArray(); boolean rememberMe = Boolean.valueOf(request.getParameter("rememberme")); LoginService loginService = new LoginServiceImpl(); boolean validated = false; if (rememberMe) { if (request.getCookies()[0] != null && request.getCookies()[0].getValue() != null) { String[] value = request.getCookies()[0].getValue().split(";"); if(value.length != 2) { // set error and return } if (!loginService.mappingExists(value[0], value[1])) { // (username, random) // set error and return } } else { validated = loginService.isUserValid(username, password); if (!validated) { // set error and return } } String newRandom = loginService.getRandomString(); // reset the random every time loginService.mapUserForRememberMe(username, newRandom); HttpSession session = request.getSession(); session.invalidate(); session = request.getSession(true); // Set session timeout to one hour session.setMaxInactiveInterval(60 * 60); // Store user attribute and a random attribute in session scope session.setAttribute("user", loginService.getUsername()); Cookie loginCookie = new Cookie("rememberme", username + ";" + newRandom); response.addCookie(loginCookie); // ... forward to welcome page } else { // ...authenticate using isUserValid() and if failed, set error } Arrays.fill(password, ' '); } |
A The server maintains a mapping table is maintained at server side. The table that contains username and secure random string pairs. When a user selects "remember me", the doPost
() method checks whether the supplied cookie contains a valid username and random string pair. If the mapping contains a matching pair, the server authenticates the user is authenticated and forwarded him to the welcome page. If not, then the server returns an error is returned to the client. If the user selects "remember me" but the client does not fails to supply a valid cookie, the server requires the user is made to authenticate using his credentials. If the authentication is successful, the server issues a new cookie is issued with "remember me" characteristics.
This solution also avoids session fixation attacks by invalidating the current session and creating a new session. It also reduces the window in which an attacker could perform a session hijacking attack by setting the session timeout to one.