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As detailed in [§14§14.14.2, "The Enhanced For Statement" |http://java.sun.com/docs/books/jls/third_edition/html/statements.html#14.14.2] of the _Java Language Specification_ \[[JLS 2005|AA. Bibliography#JLS 05]\] |
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\[[JLS 2005|AA. Bibliography#JLS 05]\] [§14§14.14.2,"The enhanced for statement"|http://java.sun.com/docs/books/jls/third_edition/html/statements.html#14.14.2] |
DCL04-J. Do not apply public final to constants whose value might change01. Declarations and Initialization (DCL) 01. Declarations and Initialization (DCL) DCL06DCL01-J. Use 'L', not 'l', to indicate that an integer literal is of type longAvoid ambiguous overloading of varargs methods