Third-party code should operate in its own trusted domain; any code potentially exported to a third-party — such as libraries — should be deployable in well-defined trusted domains. The public API of the potentially-exported code can be considered to be a trust boundary. Data flowing across a trust boundary should be validated when the publisher lacks guarantees of validation. A subscriber or client may omit validation when the data flowing into its trust boundary is appropriate for use as is. In all other cases, inbound data must be validated.
Malicious Data
Data received by a component from a source outside the component's trust boundary may be malicious. Consequently, the program must take steps to ensure that the data are both genuine and appropriate.
Many rules address proper filtering of untrusted input, especially when such input is passed to a component that can interpret commands or instructions. For example, see IDS08-J. Prevent XML Injection.
Sensitive Data
When data must be sent to a component in a different trusted domain, the sender must ensure that the data is suitable for the receiver's trust boundary by filtering out any sensitive information. For instance, if malicious code manages to infiltrate a system, many attacks will be rendered ineffective if the system's output is appropriately escaped and encoded. Refer to the guideline IDS04-J. Properly encode or escape output for more details.