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Rules and recommendations included in this CERT Perl Programming Language Secure Coding Standard are designed to be operating system and platform independent. However, the best solutions to secure coding problems are often platform specific. In most cases, this standard provides appropriate compliant solutions for POSIX-compliant and Windows operating systems. In many cases, compliant solutions have also been provided for specific platforms such as Linux or OpenBSD. Occasionally, we also point out implementation-specific behaviors when these behaviors are of interest.


A The CERT Perl secure coding standard for the Perl programming language can create the highest value for the longest period of time ???.The Perl standard documents existing practice where possible. That is, most features must be tested in an implementation before being included in the standard. The But the CERT Perl secure coding standard also has a different another purpose. When existing practice serves this purpose, that is fine, but the goal is to create a new set of best practices, and that includes introducing It also serves to introduce some concepts that are not yet widely known. To put it a different way, the CERT Perl secure coding guidelines are attempting to drive change rather than just document itas well as document current best practices.

The value of forward-looking information increases with time before it starts to decrease. The value of backward-looking information starts to decrease immediately.
