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Undefined Page Linked From
ERR06-CPP. Understand the termination behavior of assert() and abort() Page: VOID ERR05-CPP. Application-independent code should provide error detection without dictating error handling (SEI CERT C++ Coding Standard)
ERR09-CPP. Throw anonymous temporaries Page: VOID ERR08-CPP. Prefer special-purpose types for exceptions (SEI CERT C++ Coding Standard)
ERR09-CPP. Throw anonymous temporaries and catch by reference Comment: VOID Make exception objects immune to double destruction > Re: VOID Make exception objects immune to double destruction (SEI CERT C++ Coding Standard)
Comment: VOID ERR13-CPP. Do not allow an exception class's copy constructor to throw exceptions > Re: VOID ERR13-CPP. Do not allow an exception class's copy constructor to throw exceptions (SEI CERT C++ Coding Standard)
Comment: VOID ERR13-CPP. Do not allow an exception class's copy constructor to throw exceptions > Re: VOID ERR13-CPP. Do not allow an exception class's copy constructor to throw exceptions (SEI CERT C++ Coding Standard)
ERR30-CPP. Try to recover gracefully from unexpected errors Comment: VOID ERR39-CPP. Prevent terminate() from being called if any objects must be destructed first > Re: VOID ERR39-CPP. Prevent terminate() from being called if any objects must be destructed first (SEI CERT C++ Coding Standard)
ERR32-C. Do not rely on indeterminate values of errno Page: VOID Check for error conditions (SEI CERT C++ Coding Standard)
ERR37-CPP. A function with an exception-specification should not throw any other exceptions Comment: VOID ERR39-CPP. Prevent terminate() from being called if any objects must be destructed first > Re: VOID ERR39-CPP. Prevent terminate() from being called if any objects must be destructed first (SEI CERT C++ Coding Standard)
ERR38-CPP. Deallocation functions must not throw exceptions Comment: VOID ERR33-CPP. Destructors must not throw exceptions > Re: VOID ERR33-CPP. Destructors must not throw exceptions (SEI CERT C++ Coding Standard)
EXP00-CPP. Use parentheses for precedence of operation Page: VOID EXP01-CPP. Do not take the size of a pointer to determine the size of the pointed-to type (SEI CERT C++ Coding Standard)
EXP02-CPP. Be aware of the short-circuit behavior of the logical AND and OR operators Page: VOID EXP01-CPP. Do not take the size of a pointer to determine the size of the pointed-to type (SEI CERT C++ Coding Standard)
EXP03-CPP. Do not assume the size of a class or struct is the sum of the sizes of its members Page: VOID EXP02-CPP. Be aware of the short-circuit behavior of the logical AND and OR operators (SEI CERT C++ Coding Standard)
EXP07-C. Do not diminish the benefits of constants by assuming their values in expressions Page: VOID Do not allow ambiguous definitions to be mutually visible (SEI CERT C++ Coding Standard)
EXP08-CPP. Ensure pointer arithmetic is used correctly Page: VOID EXP07-CPP. Do not diminish the benefits of constants by assuming their values in expressions (SEI CERT C++ Coding Standard)
EXP09-C. Use sizeof to determine the size of a type or variable Page: VOID Do not allow ambiguous definitions to be mutually visible (SEI CERT C++ Coding Standard)
EXP09-CPP. Use sizeof to determine the size of a type or variable Page: VOID DCL06-CPP. Use meaningful symbolic constants to represent literal values in program logic (SEI CERT C++ Coding Standard)
EXP14-CPP. Do not use reinterpret_cast on pointers to class objects with multiple inheritence Page: VOID EXP15-CPP. Beware of integer promotion when performing bitwise operations on chars or shorts (SEI CERT C++ Coding Standard)
EXP33-CPP. Do not reference uninitialized memory Comment: VOID DCL19-CPP. Initialize automatic local variables on declaration > Re: VOID DCL19-CPP. Initialize automatic local variables on declaration (SEI CERT C++ Coding Standard)
Comment: VOID DCL19-CPP. Initialize automatic local variables on declaration > Re: VOID DCL19-CPP. Initialize automatic local variables on declaration (SEI CERT C++ Coding Standard)
Comment: VOID DCL19-CPP. Initialize automatic local variables on declaration > Re: VOID DCL19-CPP. Initialize automatic local variables on declaration (SEI CERT C++ Coding Standard)
EXP35-CPP. Do not cast away a const qualification Comment: VOID Do not cast away const > Re: VOID Do not cast away const (SEI CERT C++ Coding Standard)
EXP36-C. Do not convert pointers into more strictly aligned pointer types Page: VOID Ensure type consistency when using variadic functions (SEI CERT C++ Coding Standard)
EXP36-CPP. Do not cast or delete pointers to incomplete classes Page: VOID Avoid side effects in assertions (SEI CERT C++ Coding Standard)
FIO01-CPP. Be careful using functions that use file names for identification Page: VOID FIO00-CPP. Take care when creating format strings (SEI CERT C++ Coding Standard)
Page: VOID FIO15-CPP. Ensure that file operations are performed in a secure directory (SEI CERT C++ Coding Standard)
FIO09-CPP. Be careful with binary data when transferring data across systems Page: VOID FIO08-CPP. Take care when calling remove() on an open file (SEI CERT C++ Coding Standard)
FIO11-CPP. Take care when specifying the mode parameter of fopen() Page: VOID FIO10-CPP. Take care when using the rename() function (SEI CERT C++ Coding Standard)
FIO13-CPP. Never push back anything other than one read character Page: VOID FIO12-CPP. Prefer setvbuf() to setbuf() (SEI CERT C++ Coding Standard)
FIO14-CPP. Understand the difference between text mode and binary mode with file streams Page: VOID FIO15-CPP. Ensure that file operations are performed in a secure directory (SEI CERT C++ Coding Standard)
except\ Comment: VOID Do not use goto statement to take control inside the try and catch blocks > Re: VOID Do not use goto statement to take control inside the try and catch blocks (SEI CERT C++ Coding Standard)
ERR06-CPP. Understand the termination behavior of assert() and abort() Page: VOID ERR05-CPP. Application-independent code should provide error detection without dictating error handling (SEI CERT C++ Coding Standard)
ERR09-CPP. Throw anonymous temporaries Page: VOID ERR08-CPP. Prefer special-purpose types for exceptions (SEI CERT C++ Coding Standard)
ERR09-CPP. Throw anonymous temporaries and catch by reference Comment: VOID Make exception objects immune to double destruction > Re: VOID Make exception objects immune to double destruction (SEI CERT C++ Coding Standard)
Comment: VOID ERR13-CPP. Do not allow an exception class's copy constructor to throw exceptions > Re: VOID ERR13-CPP. Do not allow an exception class's copy constructor to throw exceptions (SEI CERT C++ Coding Standard)
Comment: VOID ERR13-CPP. Do not allow an exception class's copy constructor to throw exceptions > Re: VOID ERR13-CPP. Do not allow an exception class's copy constructor to throw exceptions (SEI CERT C++ Coding Standard)
ERR30-CPP. Try to recover gracefully from unexpected errors Comment: VOID ERR39-CPP. Prevent terminate() from being called if any objects must be destructed first > Re: VOID ERR39-CPP. Prevent terminate() from being called if any objects must be destructed first (SEI CERT C++ Coding Standard)
ERR32-C. Do not rely on indeterminate values of errno Page: VOID Check for error conditions (SEI CERT C++ Coding Standard)
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