Because floating-point numbers can represent fractions, programmers often mistakenly assume that they can represent any simple fraction exactly. In fact, floating-point numbers are subject to range limitations just as integers are. Furthermore, limited-precision binary floating-point numbers cannot represent all decimals precisely, even when the decimals can be represented in a small number of digits.
In addition, because floating-point numbers can represent large values, programmers often mistakenly assume that they can represent all digits of those values. To gain a large dynamic range, floating-point numbers maintain a fixed number of bits of precision and an exponent. Incrementing a large floating-point value might not change that value within the available precision.
As a result, floating-point variables must not be used as loop counters.
Noncompliant Code Example
This noncompliant code example uses a floating-point variable as a loop counter. The decimal number 0.1 cannot be precisely represented as a float
or even as a double
for (float x = 0.1f; x <= 1.0f; x += 0.1f) { System.out.println(x); }
Because 0.1f
is rounded to the nearest value that can be represented in the value set of the float
type, the actual quantity added to x
on each iteration is somewhat larger than 0.1
; consequently, the loop executes only nine times and fails to produce the expected output.
Compliant Solution
This compliant solution uses an integer loop counter from which the desired floating-point value is derived.
for (int count = 1; count <= 10; count += 1) { float x = count/10.0f; System.out.println(x); }
Noncompliant Code Example
This noncompliant code example uses a floating-point loop counter that is incremented by an amount that is too small to change its value given the precision.
for (float x = 100000001.0f; x <= 100000010.0f; x += 1.0f) { /* ... */ }
The code loops forever on execution.
Compliant Solution
This compliant solution uses an integer loop counter from which the floating-point value is derived. Additionally, it uses a double
to ensure that the available precision suffices to represent the desired values.
for (int count = 1; count <= 10; count += 1) { double x = 100000000.0 + count; /* ... */ }
Risk Assessment
Using floating-point loop counters can lead to unexpected behavior.
Rule |
Severity |
Likelihood |
Remediation Cost |
Priority |
Level |
NUM09-J |
low |
probable |
low |
P6 |
L2 |
Automated Detection
Automated detection of floating-point loop counters is straightforward.
Related Guidelines
FLP30-C. Do not use floating point variables as loop counters |
FLP30-CPP. Do not use floating point variables as loop counters |
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[ISO/IEC TR 24772:2010 |] |
"Floating?point Arithmetic [PLF]" |
]]></ac:plain-text-body></ac:structured-macro> |
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[[Bloch 2005 |
AA. Bibliography#Bloch 05]] |
Puzzle 34: Down for the Count |
]]></ac:plain-text-body></ac:structured-macro> |
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[[JLS 2005 |
AA. Bibliography#JLS 05]] |
[§4.2.3, "Floating-Point Types, Formats, and Values" |] |
]]></ac:plain-text-body></ac:structured-macro> |