1. Do not use identifiers that are already declared
    1. e.g., don't name a variable errno
  2. Do not pass functions invalid values
  3. For floating point exception functions, only pass 0 or bitwise OR of floating point macros
  4. Do not modify the string returned by setlocale() or localeconv()
  5. Do not call setjmp() in stupid places (eg. header files)
  6. Do not call longjmp() before calling setjmp()
  7. Do not call va_start() with a parameter declared with the register storage class, of array type, or a type that isn't compatible with the type after default argument promotions
  8. Do not try to get the address constant of a bit-field
    1. e.g., do not: &(t.member-designator)
  9. When functions fail, data structures often have indeterminate contents
    1. e.g., wcsxfrm(), wcsftime(), mbrtowc(), wcrtomb(), strxfrm(), strftime()
  10. Do not mismatch multibyte conversion states with character sequences in another state
  11. Do not change the LC_CTYPE in between calls to character conversion functions
  12. Only pass functions the type they ask for
    1. We might already have a rule for this, but I couldn't find it
  13. If the result of a function cannot be represented, the behavior is undefined
    1. e.g., abs(), labs(), llabs(), div(), ldiv(), lldiv().
  14. Do not cast a void expression to another type.
  15. Ensure expressions are compatible with the return types of the functions they call.
  16. Source files should always have a trailing newline.
  17. Constant expressions must consist entirely of constant components.
  18. Do not access anything through an address constant.
  19. Do not declare a function with a type qualifier
  20. Do not declare an integer constant macro with a non-integer value, or one out of limits
  21. Do not use inconsistent comparison functions
  22. Do not use bsearch() on an array not in the proper order
  23. In a header name, do not have the characters ', \, ", //, or /* in between the < and > or the characters ', \, //, or /* in between the quotes.
  24. Do not compare pointers that point to different objects.
  25. Do not have operations with side effects within an initialization list.


  1. I would find this list useful if I could rely on it being up to date – is it? (See below). If it is, and/or if we are to commit to keeping it up to date, may I suggest that a brief rationale be provided for each item on the list?

    1. I doubt this link is up to date. This is a list put together by a couple of my students (now graduated) after I asked them to go through the standard and account for all the undefined behavior.

      There may be undefined behaviors listed here that should be addressed, as you suggest.

      As for maintaining this, I don't think that is necessarily a bad idea. It may make sense to combine this with CC. Undefined Behavior. This way we can easily account for all 191 explicit undefined behaviors being covered by one or more rules, or a rationale for not including it. This will also make it easier to maintain, particularly because it becomes part of the document and not just a process step.

      Some other suggestions... perhaps we should make close to CC. Undefined Behavior closer to Annex J and included unspecified, undefined, and implementation defined behaviors. Even cooler still, we should use the new C1X Annex L "Analyzability" that distinguishes between undefined behaviors and critically undefined behaviors for security purposes (the proposal for this Annex was co-authored by Tom Plum and myself). (I just thought of this for the first time, but we should consider proposing that WG14 reorganize Annex J the same way).

      Another small point about CC. Undefined Behavior. The links right now to the guidelines is only to the identifier. The problem with this approach is that if the identifier name changes, the links do no ordinarily update. This is why we usually just put the name of the rule between [] brackets. Visually I would prefer just referencing the ID's, but the advantage in maintenance is significant.

      1. My plan for CC. Undefined Behavior has been to: first do a review of all the cases addressed by existing guidelines, then add new guidelines for cases that aren't addressed but should be, and finally mark up all the cases that we feel do not need guidelines to say so. If some of your students would be willing to help with this project for extra credit that'd be fantastic (wink)

        Once this is done (assuming someone still has some energy/cycles left in them), I'm hoping for us to do as you suggest and add another similar page and table for Unspecified Behavior, and eventually perhaps also for Implementation-Defined Behavior.

        It would be awesome if we could do the same for C++ as well but given the size of it that might be just a pipe dream...

        I understand your concern with the links. I considered it but felt that including the full text of each guideline would diminish the readbility of the table by bloating it with excessive text. The text of each guideline does pop up when you hover the mouse over it.

        On the subject or links and guideline IDs, what was the rationale for including the full text of title in each instead of just the ID? Using just the ID would obviate all these issues and make it easier for other projects to create more permanent links to the guidelines.