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 adminThe page has information available for administrative purposes. 
 androidIt is applicable to Android. There are very few Java rules/recs that are NOT applicable to Android. However, not all of the Android-applicable Java rules/recs require special implementation details.
 android-applicableThe rule/rec applies to Android development. 
Android-implementation-detail-java There is a special section which describes special information needed for applying this rule within Android. Per your analysis, currently all in Java, however I would expect in the future we will have this for other languages, and for developers it would be useful to filter just for the language they are working in… So different tags for different languages will be useful (at least, eventually if not now). In at least one case, the section actually talks about why the rule is *not* Android-applicable, I think we need to use a different label in this case.
Android-implementation-detail Same as 'Android-implementation-detail-java'
android-inapplicable The rule/rec does not apply to Android development. 
applicability-list The page contains a list of pages that contain rules/recs that are applicable to Android development. 
android-unknown Android applicability has not yet been determined. 
bm The page belongs in the back matter of a corresponding book. 
This page applies to the C language. 
cps The rule/rec belongs to the Component Security (CPS) Android category.
crp The rule/rec belongs to the Cryptography (CRP) Android category. 
draft The page is still a draft. 
drd The rule/rec belongs to the Android (DRD) category in Java. 
 fio The rule/rec belongs to the File I/O and Logging (FIO) Android category.  
 fmThe page belongs in the front matter of a corresponding book. 
ittThe rule/rec belongs to the Intent (ITT) Android category. 
javaThe page applies to the Java language. 
msc The rule/rec belongs to the Miscellaneous (MSC) Android category.  
net  The rule/rec belongs to the Network - SSL/TLS (NET) Android category. 
not-android-applicable-javaIt is a Java rule or recommendation, but not Android-applicable (per chart of Android applicability).
onlyThe page contains an Android-only rule/rec.  
only-recommendation-list The page contains a list of recommendations that are Android only (not from a language, such as Java). 
only-rule-list The page contains a list of rules that are Android only (not from a language, such as Java). 
per The rule/rec belongs to the Permission (PER) Android category.  
recommendation The page contains a recommendation. 
rule The page contains a rule. 
unknown  Android applicability has not yet been determined.
 voidThe page should no longer be active. 
wbvThe rule/rec belongs to the WebView (WBV) Android category.   


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