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Exceptions should only be used to denote exceptional conditions. They should not be used for ordinary control flow purposes.

Noncompliant Code Example

This noncompliant code example attempts to concatenate a few string elements of array c and store the result as the first element. It uses an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException to detect the end of the array and initialize the value of variable i to 0 in the catch block. However, if some element of the array is null, a NullPointerException results. This exception is caught and ignored, a violation of EXC09-J. Do not catch NullPointerException. Consequently, the variable i is not initialized to 0 as expected.

String c[] = new String[3];
c[0] = "value1";
c[1] = "value2";
c[2] = "value3";
int i;
c[1] = null; // gets null value

try {
  i = 0;
  while(true) {	         
    c[0] = c[0].concat(c[i + 1]); // Concatenate and store in c[0]  
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
  i = 0; // Attempts to initialize i to 0
} catch (NullPointerException npe) {
  // Ignores

The real purpose of exception handling is to detect and recover from exceptional conditions and not to willfully transfer control flow. Besides, performance wise, the exception-based idiom is far slower than the standard code block. It also prevents certain optimizations that JVM would otherwise perform.

Compliant Solution

This compliant solution uses a standard for loop to concatenate the strings.

String c[] = new String[3];
c[0] = "value1";
c[1] = "value2";
c[2] = "value3";

int i;
for (i = 1; i < c.length; i++) {
  c[0] = c[0].concat(c[i]);
i = 0; // Initialize i to 0 after operation

Risk Assessment

The use of exceptions for anything but detecting and handling exceptional conditions can result in performance degradation and poor design.




Remediation Cost



EXC10- J






Automated Detection


Related Vulnerabilities

Search for vulnerabilities resulting from the violation of this rule on the CERT website.


[[Bloch 01]] Item 39: "Use exceptions only for exceptional conditions"
[[JLS 05]]

CON02-J. Facilitate thread reuse by using Thread Pools      11. Concurrency (CON)      CON04-J. Do not call overridable methods from synchronized regions

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